Hsyndicate API Reference

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.


The Hsyndicate API works with standard HTTP basic authentication headers to authenticate users.
Since the Hsyndicate API is stateless, this header must be sent with every request.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS.

Authentication Error

Requests without a valid authentication headers will return an error.

            "error":  "AuthenticationException[Missing authentication token]",
            "status": 401


Hsyndicate offers a range of databases. By default the API has access to the News database.
Contact your Hsyndicate representative to request access to additional databases.

  • Appointments (coming soon)
  • Blogs - External blogs and news sites
  • Brands (coming soon)
  • Events (coming soon)
  • Hotel Announcements (coming soon)
  • News - Hsyndicate news
  • Photos (coming soon)
  • Product Features (coming soon)

Permissions Error

Requesting documents from a database without the correct permissions will return an error.

            "error": {
              "root_cause": [
                  "type": "security_exception",
                  "reason": "action is unauthorized for user [your_username]"
            "status": 403

List API

The List API allows you to get a chronologically sorted JSON document from all databases your account has access to.
The following call returns a JSON document containing the latest 10 documents in all databases your account has access to:

To limit the list results to documents from a specific database only add the database name to the call:


q Optional query string, see filtering for more details.
from Optional, starting from index of the hits to return, see pagination for more details.
size Optional, number of results to return, see size for more details.
sort Optional, sort results, see sorting for more details.

Sample Response

                         "name":"New York ADR Dilemma",
                         "summary":"Like most every other role at a hotel, being an owner or investor has never been easy...",
                            "name":"Hotel Mogel Consulting Limited",
                               "name":"New York ADR Dilemma",
                               "name":"Revenue Management",
                               "name":"Markets & Performance",
                            "name":"New York, New York, United States",
                            "city":"New York",

Sample Output

Using the available fields the following output can be produced.

New York ADR Dilemma

18 July 2018 - Like most every other role at a hotel, being an owner or investor has never been easy. This is perhaps nowhere more evident than in New York City where exorbitant construction costs mixed with steadily increasing wage rates, maintenance and depreciation can make the break-even point higher than practically any other locale on the continent. Thank goodness this is reflected in the average daily rates.

Opinion Hotel Mogel Consulting Limited Revenue Management Markets & Performance New York, New York, United States

powered by

Search API

The Search API allows you to search all documents your account has access to. By default the search results are sorted by relevance (score), recent documents are boosted in order to prevent older documents to appear in the top results.

To limit the search results to documents from a specific database only add the database name to the call:


q Required query string (URL encoded)
from Optional, starting from index of the hits to return, see pagination for more details.
sort Optional, sort results, see sorting for more details.

Sample Response

The search API returns a JSON document almost identical to the list API. The only difference is the conditional highlight element. If either the name or summary/text element contain the query, an element will be available in the highlight element. You can use this to show your users where the query matches.

                         "name":"New York Hotel ADR Dilemma",
                         "summary":"Like most every other role at a hotel, being an owner or investor has never been easy...",
                            "name":"Hotel Mogel Consulting Limited",
                               "name":"New York ADR Dilemma",
                               "name":"Revenue Management",
                               "name":"Markets & Performance",
                            "name":"New York, New York, United States",
                            "city":"New York",
                      "highlight": {
                        "name": ["New York Hotel ADR Dilemma"],
                        "text": ["Like most every other role at a hotel, being an owner or investor has never been easy..."]

Sample Output

Using the available fields the following output can be produced.
The highlight elements are used to highlight the search query hotel in the output.

New York Hotel ADR Dilemma

18 July 2018 - Like most every other role at a hotel, being an owner or investor has never been easy. This is perhaps nowhere more evident than in New York City where exorbitant construction costs mixed with steadily increasing wage rates, maintenance and depreciation can make the break-even point higher than practically any other locale on the continent. Thank goodness this is reflected in the average daily rates.

Opinion Hotel Mogel Consulting Limited Revenue Management Markets & Performance New York, New York, United States

powered by


Before you continue

It is important to understand the news vs blog concept Hsyndicate is using:
The news database contains all news available in the Hsyndicate database. Every news document has a type attribute allowing you to filter news.
The blog database is exactly the same as the news database, however this database contains documents from external sources only, the types are the same.
This example returns a list of all documents with all opinion articles in both, the Hsyndicate news database and all external news sources: https://api.hsyndicate.org/v1/list?q=%22Marriott%22+AND+type:%22opinion%22


We try to keep the performance of our API as high as possible. Our goal is to, depending on the number of filters, keep the response time between 30ms and 300ms. You can improve the API performance by caching the API responses. If you choose to cache the responses we suggest to set the cache lifetime anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes.


Every document contains a graphic and optionally one or more photos. In general the graphic contains a company logo, the only exception are documents in the News database with the opinion type. For those documents the graphic contains a headshot.
Both can be used in the output. Images are available through the Hsyndicate Picture CDN, located at https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/

A range of resized images is available for graphics and photos.
Each graphic and photo element contains an updated field. This field can be appended to the image source for cache-busting purposes.

Graphics (logo)
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/s_153025614.jpg  48 x 48 px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/sl_153025614.jpg 96 x 96 px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/d_153025614.jpg  140 x 60 px (preferred)

Graphics (Headshot)
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/h_153038605.jpg  102 x 147px

https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/o_153092009.jpg   205 x px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/p_153092009.jpg   340 x 235 px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/f_153092009.jpg   476 x 310 px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/l_153092009.jpg   465 x px
https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/picture/xl_153092009.jpg  780 x 520 px


powered by
Please credit any content from the Hsyndicate API using the code below.
This code will generate a powered by Hospitality Net tag as shown here.

  #hn-powered {text-align: center; position: relative;}
  #hn-powered div {text-align: center; font-size: 9px; position: absolute; width: 100%; top: -10px;}
  #hn-powered svg {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}

<div id="hn-powered">
  <div>powered by</div>
  <a href="https://www.hospitalitynet.org" target="_blank">
    <svg id="hn" version="1.1" width="120" height="auto" viewBox="0 0 400 91" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="display: block;">
      <g id="hnlogo">
        <path id="path0" d="M103.111 28.111 C 103.050 28.172,103.000 35.935,103.000 45.361 L 103.000 62.500 106.417 62.500 L 109.833 62.500 109.833 54.250 C 109.833 48.861,109.891 46.000,110.000 46.000 C 110.092 46.000,110.167 45.775,110.167 45.500 C 110.167 45.225,110.242 45.000,110.333 45.000 C 110.425 45.000,110.500 44.829,110.500 44.620 C 110.500 44.411,110.650 44.132,110.833 44.000 C 111.017 43.868,111.167 43.658,111.167 43.535 C 111.167 43.245,111.578 42.833,111.868 42.833 C 111.992 42.833,112.201 42.683,112.333 42.500 C 112.474 42.304,112.765 42.167,113.037 42.167 C 113.292 42.167,113.500 42.092,113.500 42.000 C 113.500 41.906,113.972 41.833,114.583 41.833 C 115.194 41.833,115.667 41.906,115.667 42.000 C 115.667 42.092,115.875 42.167,116.130 42.167 C 116.402 42.167,116.692 42.304,116.833 42.500 C 116.965 42.683,117.175 42.833,117.299 42.833 C 117.423 42.833,117.631 42.940,117.762 43.071 C 117.893 43.202,118.000 43.411,118.000 43.535 C 118.000 43.658,118.150 43.868,118.333 44.000 C 118.517 44.132,118.667 44.374,118.667 44.537 C 118.667 44.700,118.742 44.833,118.833 44.833 C 118.925 44.833,119.000 45.096,119.000 45.417 C 119.000 45.737,119.075 46.000,119.167 46.000 C 119.276 46.000,119.333 48.861,119.333 54.250 L 119.333 62.500 122.667 62.500 L 126.000 62.500 126.000 53.167 C 126.000 47.056,125.942 43.833,125.833 43.833 C 125.742 43.833,125.667 43.533,125.667 43.167 C 125.667 42.800,125.592 42.500,125.500 42.500 C 125.408 42.500,125.333 42.275,125.333 42.000 C 125.333 41.725,125.258 41.500,125.167 41.500 C 125.075 41.500,125.000 41.380,125.000 41.234 C 125.000 40.478,122.740 37.667,122.133 37.667 C 122.009 37.667,121.799 37.517,121.667 37.333 C 121.535 37.150,121.293 37.000,121.130 37.000 C 120.967 37.000,120.833 36.925,120.833 36.833 C 120.833 36.742,120.683 36.667,120.500 36.667 C 120.317 36.667,120.167 36.592,120.167 36.500 C 120.167 36.408,119.984 36.333,119.760 36.333 C 119.536 36.333,119.307 36.258,119.250 36.167 C 119.193 36.075,118.968 36.000,118.750 36.000 C 118.532 36.000,118.307 35.925,118.250 35.833 C 118.189 35.735,117.193 35.667,115.823 35.667 C 114.386 35.667,113.500 35.730,113.500 35.833 C 113.500 35.925,113.275 36.000,113.000 36.000 C 112.725 36.000,112.500 36.075,112.500 36.167 C 112.500 36.258,112.275 36.333,112.000 36.333 C 111.725 36.333,111.500 36.408,111.500 36.500 C 111.500 36.592,111.367 36.667,111.203 36.667 C 111.040 36.667,110.799 36.817,110.667 37.000 C 109.911 38.049,109.833 37.645,109.833 32.667 L 109.833 28.000 106.528 28.000 C 104.710 28.000,103.172 28.050,103.111 28.111 M207.000 31.149 C 207.000 34.898,206.575 34.500,210.579 34.500 C 214.203 34.500,213.833 34.869,213.833 31.250 C 213.833 27.620,214.245 28.000,210.316 28.000 L 207.000 28.000 207.000 31.149 M219.601 28.264 C 219.546 28.409,219.500 30.284,219.500 32.430 L 219.500 36.333 218.083 36.333 L 216.667 36.333 216.667 39.417 L 216.667 42.500 218.082 42.500 L 219.497 42.500 219.540 52.458 L 219.583 62.417 222.958 62.462 L 226.333 62.507 226.333 52.503 L 226.333 42.500 228.170 42.500 L 230.008 42.500 229.962 39.458 L 229.917 36.417 228.125 36.369 L 226.333 36.322 226.333 32.161 L 226.333 28.000 223.018 28.000 C 220.148 28.000,219.689 28.035,219.601 28.264 M261.000 45.250 L 261.000 62.500 264.417 62.500 L 267.833 62.500 267.833 45.250 L 267.833 28.000 264.417 28.000 L 261.000 28.000 261.000 45.250 M272.038 31.208 L 272.083 34.417 275.083 34.464 C 279.289 34.531,278.833 34.931,278.833 31.163 L 278.833 28.000 275.413 28.000 L 271.993 28.000 272.038 31.208 M284.333 32.160 L 284.333 36.320 282.875 36.369 L 281.417 36.417 281.371 39.458 L 281.326 42.500 282.830 42.500 L 284.333 42.500 284.333 52.500 L 284.333 62.500 287.750 62.500 L 291.167 62.500 291.167 52.500 L 291.167 42.500 292.583 42.500 C 293.889 42.500,294.000 42.526,294.000 42.833 C 294.000 43.017,294.075 43.167,294.167 43.167 C 294.258 43.167,294.333 43.317,294.333 43.500 C 294.333 43.683,294.408 43.833,294.500 43.833 C 294.592 43.833,294.667 43.968,294.667 44.133 C 294.667 44.506,295.039 45.330,295.208 45.332 C 295.277 45.333,295.333 45.558,295.333 45.833 C 295.333 46.108,295.408 46.333,295.500 46.333 C 295.592 46.333,295.667 46.483,295.667 46.667 C 295.667 46.850,295.742 47.000,295.833 47.000 C 295.925 47.000,296.000 47.225,296.000 47.500 C 296.000 47.775,296.075 48.000,296.167 48.000 C 296.258 48.000,296.333 48.150,296.333 48.333 C 296.333 48.517,296.408 48.667,296.500 48.667 C 296.592 48.667,296.667 48.892,296.667 49.167 C 296.667 49.442,296.742 49.667,296.833 49.667 C 296.925 49.667,297.002 49.798,297.005 49.958 C 297.008 50.119,297.121 50.396,297.255 50.574 C 297.390 50.751,297.500 51.066,297.500 51.272 C 297.500 51.478,297.575 51.693,297.667 51.750 C 297.758 51.807,297.833 51.999,297.833 52.177 C 297.833 52.354,297.908 52.500,298.000 52.500 C 298.092 52.500,298.167 52.725,298.167 53.000 C 298.167 53.275,298.242 53.500,298.333 53.500 C 298.425 53.500,298.500 53.650,298.500 53.833 C 298.500 54.017,298.575 54.167,298.667 54.167 C 298.758 54.167,298.833 54.314,298.833 54.495 C 298.833 54.675,298.983 55.090,299.167 55.417 C 299.350 55.743,299.500 56.158,299.500 56.338 C 299.500 56.519,299.575 56.667,299.667 56.667 C 299.758 56.667,299.833 56.817,299.833 57.000 C 299.833 57.183,299.908 57.333,300.000 57.333 C 300.092 57.333,300.167 57.558,300.167 57.833 C 300.167 58.108,300.242 58.333,300.333 58.333 C 300.425 58.333,300.500 58.483,300.500 58.667 C 300.500 58.850,300.575 59.000,300.667 59.000 C 300.758 59.000,300.833 59.300,300.833 59.667 C 300.833 60.033,300.758 60.333,300.667 60.333 C 300.575 60.333,300.500 60.552,300.500 60.819 C 300.500 61.087,300.444 61.331,300.375 61.361 C 300.167 61.453,299.500 62.842,299.500 63.182 C 299.500 63.357,299.425 63.500,299.333 63.500 C 299.242 63.500,299.167 63.650,299.167 63.833 C 299.167 64.017,299.092 64.167,299.000 64.167 C 298.908 64.167,298.833 64.317,298.833 64.500 C 298.833 64.683,298.758 64.833,298.667 64.833 C 298.575 64.833,298.500 65.058,298.500 65.333 C 298.500 65.608,298.425 65.833,298.333 65.833 C 298.242 65.833,298.167 65.983,298.167 66.167 C 298.167 66.350,298.092 66.500,298.000 66.500 C 297.908 66.500,297.833 66.646,297.833 66.823 C 297.833 67.001,297.758 67.193,297.667 67.250 C 297.575 67.307,297.500 67.480,297.499 67.635 C 297.498 67.790,297.386 68.131,297.249 68.394 C 297.112 68.657,297.000 68.975,297.000 69.102 C 297.000 69.229,296.925 69.333,296.833 69.333 C 296.742 69.333,296.667 69.558,296.667 69.833 C 296.667 70.108,296.592 70.333,296.500 70.333 C 296.408 70.333,296.333 70.483,296.333 70.667 C 296.333 70.990,296.444 71.000,300.000 71.000 C 303.556 71.000,303.667 70.990,303.667 70.667 C 303.667 70.483,303.742 70.333,303.833 70.333 C 303.925 70.333,304.000 70.108,304.000 69.833 C 304.000 69.558,304.075 69.333,304.167 69.333 C 304.258 69.333,304.333 69.183,304.333 69.000 C 304.333 68.817,304.408 68.667,304.500 68.667 C 304.592 68.667,304.667 68.517,304.667 68.333 C 304.667 68.150,304.742 68.000,304.833 68.000 C 304.925 68.000,305.000 67.775,305.000 67.500 C 305.000 67.225,305.075 67.000,305.167 67.000 C 305.258 67.000,305.333 66.887,305.333 66.750 C 305.333 66.612,305.408 66.500,305.500 66.500 C 305.592 66.500,305.667 66.350,305.667 66.167 C 305.667 65.983,305.742 65.833,305.833 65.833 C 305.925 65.833,306.000 65.688,306.000 65.510 C 306.000 65.332,306.075 65.140,306.167 65.083 C 306.258 65.027,306.333 64.797,306.333 64.573 C 306.333 64.350,306.408 64.167,306.500 64.167 C 306.592 64.167,306.667 64.017,306.667 63.833 C 306.667 63.650,306.742 63.500,306.833 63.500 C 306.925 63.500,307.000 63.350,307.000 63.167 C 307.000 62.983,307.075 62.833,307.167 62.833 C 307.258 62.833,307.333 62.608,307.333 62.333 C 307.333 62.058,307.408 61.833,307.500 61.833 C 307.592 61.833,307.667 61.683,307.667 61.500 C 307.667 61.317,307.732 61.167,307.813 61.167 C 307.893 61.167,308.098 60.679,308.269 60.083 C 308.440 59.487,308.636 59.000,308.706 59.000 C 308.776 59.000,308.833 58.850,308.833 58.667 C 308.833 58.483,308.908 58.333,309.000 58.333 C 309.092 58.333,309.167 58.108,309.167 57.833 C 309.167 57.558,309.242 57.333,309.333 57.333 C 309.425 57.333,309.500 57.183,309.500 57.000 C 309.500 56.817,309.575 56.667,309.667 56.667 C 309.758 56.667,309.833 56.517,309.833 56.333 C 309.833 56.150,309.908 56.000,310.000 56.000 C 310.092 56.000,310.167 55.813,310.167 55.583 C 310.167 55.354,310.242 55.167,310.333 55.167 C 310.425 55.167,310.500 55.017,310.500 54.833 C 310.500 54.650,310.575 54.500,310.667 54.500 C 310.758 54.500,310.833 54.350,310.833 54.167 C 310.833 53.983,310.908 53.833,311.000 53.833 C 311.092 53.833,311.167 53.608,311.167 53.333 C 311.167 53.058,311.242 52.833,311.333 52.833 C 311.425 52.833,311.500 52.683,311.500 52.500 C 311.500 52.317,311.575 52.167,311.667 52.167 C 311.758 52.167,311.833 52.017,311.833 51.833 C 311.833 51.650,311.908 51.500,312.000 51.500 C 312.092 51.500,312.167 51.358,312.167 51.184 C 312.167 51.010,312.392 50.439,312.667 49.917 C 312.942 49.394,313.167 48.824,313.167 48.650 C 313.167 48.476,313.242 48.333,313.333 48.333 C 313.425 48.333,313.500 48.229,313.500 48.102 C 313.500 47.975,313.612 47.657,313.749 47.394 C 313.886 47.131,313.998 46.785,313.999 46.625 C 314.000 46.465,314.075 46.333,314.167 46.333 C 314.258 46.333,314.333 46.108,314.333 45.833 C 314.333 45.558,314.408 45.333,314.500 45.333 C 314.592 45.333,314.667 45.221,314.667 45.083 C 314.667 44.946,314.742 44.833,314.833 44.833 C 314.925 44.833,315.000 44.683,315.000 44.500 C 315.000 44.317,315.075 44.167,315.167 44.167 C 315.258 44.167,315.333 43.942,315.333 43.667 C 315.333 43.392,315.408 43.167,315.500 43.167 C 315.592 43.167,315.667 43.017,315.667 42.833 C 315.667 42.650,315.742 42.500,315.833 42.500 C 315.925 42.500,316.000 42.350,316.000 42.167 C 316.000 41.983,316.075 41.833,316.167 41.833 C 316.258 41.833,316.333 41.608,316.333 41.333 C 316.333 41.058,316.408 40.833,316.500 40.833 C 316.592 40.833,316.667 40.683,316.667 40.500 C 316.667 40.317,316.723 40.166,316.792 40.165 C 316.961 40.164,317.333 39.339,317.333 38.967 C 317.333 38.802,317.408 38.667,317.500 38.667 C 317.592 38.667,317.667 38.517,317.667 38.333 C 317.667 38.150,317.742 38.000,317.833 38.000 C 317.925 38.000,318.000 37.886,318.000 37.748 C 318.000 37.609,318.087 37.356,318.193 37.186 C 318.700 36.375,318.460 36.324,314.379 36.372 L 310.583 36.417 310.531 36.875 C 310.502 37.127,310.408 37.333,310.322 37.333 C 310.237 37.333,310.167 37.483,310.167 37.667 C 310.167 37.850,310.092 38.000,310.000 38.000 C 309.908 38.000,309.833 38.225,309.833 38.500 C 309.833 38.775,309.758 39.000,309.667 39.000 C 309.575 39.000,309.500 39.225,309.500 39.500 C 309.500 39.775,309.444 40.001,309.375 40.001 C 309.230 40.003,308.833 40.806,308.833 41.098 C 308.833 41.206,308.721 41.510,308.584 41.773 C 308.447 42.035,308.335 42.456,308.334 42.708 C 308.334 42.960,308.258 43.167,308.167 43.167 C 308.075 43.167,308.000 43.392,308.000 43.667 C 308.000 43.942,307.925 44.167,307.833 44.167 C 307.742 44.167,307.667 44.317,307.667 44.500 C 307.667 44.683,307.592 44.833,307.500 44.833 C 307.408 44.833,307.333 45.016,307.333 45.240 C 307.333 45.464,307.258 45.693,307.167 45.750 C 307.075 45.807,307.000 46.036,307.000 46.260 C 307.000 46.484,306.925 46.667,306.833 46.667 C 306.742 46.667,306.667 46.817,306.667 47.000 C 306.667 47.183,306.592 47.333,306.500 47.333 C 306.408 47.333,306.333 47.558,306.333 47.833 C 306.333 48.108,306.258 48.333,306.167 48.333 C 306.075 48.333,306.000 48.558,306.000 48.833 C 306.000 49.108,305.925 49.333,305.833 49.333 C 305.742 49.333,305.667 49.483,305.667 49.667 C 305.667 49.850,305.592 50.000,305.500 50.000 C 305.408 50.000,305.333 50.225,305.333 50.500 C 305.333 50.775,305.258 51.000,305.167 51.000 C 305.075 51.000,305.000 51.188,305.000 51.417 C 305.000 51.646,304.925 51.833,304.833 51.833 C 304.742 51.833,304.667 51.646,304.667 51.417 C 304.667 51.188,304.592 51.000,304.500 51.000 C 304.408 51.000,304.333 50.850,304.333 50.667 C 304.333 50.483,304.258 50.333,304.167 50.333 C 304.075 50.333,304.000 50.108,304.000 49.833 C 304.000 49.558,303.925 49.333,303.833 49.333 C 303.742 49.333,303.667 49.108,303.667 48.833 C 303.667 48.558,303.592 48.333,303.500 48.333 C 303.408 48.333,303.333 48.108,303.333 47.833 C 303.333 47.558,303.258 47.333,303.167 47.333 C 303.075 47.333,303.000 47.113,303.000 46.843 C 303.000 46.574,302.932 46.311,302.848 46.259 C 302.764 46.207,302.645 45.865,302.583 45.499 C 302.521 45.133,302.402 44.833,302.319 44.833 C 302.235 44.833,302.167 44.608,302.167 44.333 C 302.167 44.058,302.092 43.833,302.000 43.833 C 301.908 43.833,301.833 43.608,301.833 43.333 C 301.833 43.058,301.758 42.833,301.667 42.833 C 301.575 42.833,301.500 42.608,301.500 42.333 C 301.500 42.058,301.425 41.833,301.333 41.833 C 301.242 41.833,301.167 41.686,301.167 41.505 C 301.167 41.325,301.017 40.910,300.833 40.583 C 300.650 40.257,300.500 39.842,300.500 39.662 C 300.500 39.481,300.425 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42.500,143.500 42.500 C 143.683 42.500,143.833 42.575,143.833 42.667 C 143.833 42.758,143.967 42.833,144.130 42.833 C 144.293 42.833,144.535 42.983,144.667 43.167 C 144.799 43.350,145.005 43.500,145.126 43.500 C 145.378 43.500,146.500 44.576,146.500 44.818 C 146.500 44.908,146.644 45.082,146.819 45.205 C 146.994 45.327,147.190 45.707,147.254 46.047 C 147.318 46.388,147.437 46.667,147.519 46.667 C 147.600 46.667,147.667 46.925,147.667 47.240 C 147.667 47.556,147.742 47.860,147.833 47.917 C 148.037 48.043,148.056 50.892,147.856 51.294 C 147.664 51.678,147.321 52.657,147.214 53.125 C 147.166 53.331,147.062 53.500,146.981 53.500 C 146.900 53.500,146.833 53.614,146.833 53.753 C 146.833 54.171,144.768 56.118,144.190 56.245 C 143.904 56.308,143.628 56.428,143.575 56.513 C 143.523 56.597,143.302 56.667,143.083 56.667 C 142.865 56.667,142.640 56.742,142.583 56.833 C 142.527 56.925,141.847 57.000,141.073 57.000 C 140.247 57.000,139.667 56.931,139.667 56.833 C 139.667 56.742,139.442 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42.425,139.000 42.333 C 139.000 42.242,139.225 42.167,139.500 42.167 C 139.775 42.167,140.000 42.092,140.000 42.000 C 140.000 41.906,140.472 41.833,141.083 41.833 C 141.694 41.833,142.167 41.906,142.167 42.000 M192.083 42.000 C 192.140 42.092,192.444 42.167,192.760 42.167 C 193.075 42.167,193.333 42.242,193.333 42.333 C 193.333 42.425,193.483 42.500,193.667 42.500 C 193.850 42.500,194.000 42.575,194.000 42.667 C 194.000 42.758,194.114 42.833,194.253 42.833 C 194.969 42.833,197.500 45.931,197.500 46.807 C 197.500 46.994,197.575 47.193,197.667 47.250 C 197.758 47.307,197.833 47.724,197.833 48.177 C 197.833 48.629,197.908 49.000,198.000 49.000 C 198.092 49.000,198.167 49.225,198.167 49.500 C 198.167 49.775,198.099 50.000,198.016 50.000 C 197.933 50.000,197.828 50.356,197.783 50.792 C 197.674 51.835,197.313 53.167,197.139 53.167 C 197.062 53.167,197.000 53.280,197.000 53.419 C 197.000 53.842,194.602 56.118,194.022 56.245 C 193.737 56.308,193.461 56.428,193.409 56.513 C 193.356 56.597,193.135 56.667,192.917 56.667 C 192.698 56.667,192.473 56.742,192.417 56.833 C 192.360 56.925,191.760 57.000,191.083 57.000 C 190.407 57.000,189.807 56.925,189.750 56.833 C 189.693 56.742,189.510 56.667,189.343 56.667 C 189.175 56.667,188.823 56.555,188.561 56.418 C 188.298 56.281,187.952 56.168,187.792 56.168 C 187.631 56.167,187.500 56.092,187.500 56.000 C 187.500 55.908,187.369 55.831,187.208 55.828 C 187.048 55.826,186.729 55.596,186.500 55.318 C 186.271 55.040,185.915 54.633,185.708 54.414 C 185.502 54.195,185.333 53.899,185.333 53.758 C 185.333 53.616,185.277 53.499,185.208 53.499 C 185.059 53.497,184.667 52.690,184.667 52.383 C 184.667 52.264,184.592 52.167,184.500 52.167 C 184.408 52.167,184.333 51.984,184.333 51.760 C 184.333 51.536,184.258 51.307,184.167 51.250 C 184.075 51.193,184.000 50.443,184.000 49.573 C 184.000 48.636,184.067 48.000,184.167 48.000 C 184.258 48.000,184.333 47.700,184.333 47.333 C 184.333 46.967,184.408 46.667,184.500 46.667 C 184.592 46.667,184.667 46.517,184.667 46.333 C 184.667 46.150,184.742 46.000,184.833 46.000 C 184.925 46.000,185.000 45.850,185.000 45.667 C 185.000 45.483,185.059 45.333,185.131 45.333 C 185.203 45.333,185.386 45.127,185.539 44.875 C 185.979 44.149,186.601 43.500,186.858 43.500 C 186.987 43.500,187.201 43.350,187.333 43.167 C 187.465 42.983,187.707 42.833,187.870 42.833 C 188.033 42.833,188.167 42.758,188.167 42.667 C 188.167 42.575,188.317 42.500,188.500 42.500 C 188.683 42.500,188.833 42.425,188.833 42.333 C 188.833 42.242,189.058 42.167,189.333 42.167 C 189.608 42.167,189.833 42.092,189.833 42.000 C 189.833 41.906,190.302 41.833,190.907 41.833 C 191.497 41.833,192.027 41.908,192.083 42.000 M244.833 42.000 C 244.833 42.092,245.058 42.167,245.333 42.167 C 245.608 42.167,245.833 42.242,245.833 42.333 C 245.833 42.425,246.042 42.500,246.297 42.500 C 246.569 42.500,246.859 42.638,247.000 42.833 C 247.132 43.017,247.300 43.167,247.374 43.167 C 247.570 43.167,249.333 44.963,249.333 45.163 C 249.333 45.257,249.408 45.333,249.500 45.333 C 249.592 45.333,249.667 45.483,249.667 45.667 C 249.667 45.850,249.742 46.000,249.833 46.000 C 249.925 46.000,250.000 46.150,250.000 46.333 C 250.000 46.517,250.075 46.667,250.167 46.667 C 250.258 46.667,250.333 46.967,250.333 47.333 C 250.333 47.700,250.408 48.000,250.500 48.000 C 250.598 48.000,250.667 48.580,250.667 49.407 C 250.667 50.181,250.592 50.860,250.500 50.917 C 250.408 50.973,250.333 51.278,250.333 51.593 C 250.333 51.909,250.258 52.167,250.167 52.167 C 250.075 52.167,250.000 52.317,250.000 52.500 C 250.000 52.683,249.925 52.833,249.833 52.833 C 249.742 52.833,249.667 52.983,249.667 53.167 C 249.667 53.350,249.592 53.500,249.500 53.500 C 249.408 53.500,249.333 53.614,249.333 53.753 C 249.333 54.169,247.224 56.164,246.665 56.275 C 246.391 56.330,246.167 56.441,246.167 56.521 C 246.167 56.601,245.942 56.667,245.667 56.667 C 245.392 56.667,245.167 56.742,245.167 56.833 C 245.167 56.932,244.559 57.000,243.677 57.000 C 242.857 57.000,242.140 56.925,242.083 56.833 C 242.027 56.742,241.802 56.667,241.583 56.667 C 241.365 56.667,241.140 56.592,241.083 56.500 C 241.027 56.408,240.840 56.333,240.669 56.333 C 240.497 56.333,240.245 56.221,240.107 56.083 C 239.970 55.946,239.775 55.833,239.675 55.833 C 239.397 55.833,237.667 54.042,237.667 53.754 C 237.667 53.614,237.592 53.500,237.500 53.500 C 237.408 53.500,237.333 53.350,237.333 53.167 C 237.333 52.983,237.258 52.833,237.167 52.833 C 237.075 52.833,237.000 52.683,237.000 52.500 C 237.000 52.317,236.925 52.167,236.833 52.167 C 236.742 52.167,236.667 51.942,236.667 51.667 C 236.667 51.392,236.592 51.167,236.500 51.167 C 236.401 51.167,236.333 50.528,236.333 49.583 C 236.333 48.639,236.401 48.000,236.500 48.000 C 236.592 48.000,236.667 47.775,236.667 47.500 C 236.667 47.225,236.742 47.000,236.833 47.000 C 236.925 47.000,237.000 46.775,237.000 46.500 C 237.000 46.225,237.075 46.000,237.167 46.000 C 237.258 46.000,237.333 45.868,237.333 45.707 C 237.333 45.545,237.483 45.320,237.667 45.205 C 237.850 45.091,238.000 44.921,238.000 44.828 C 238.000 44.559,239.464 43.167,239.746 43.167 C 239.886 43.167,240.000 43.106,240.000 43.031 C 240.000 42.957,240.262 42.793,240.583 42.667 C 240.904 42.541,241.167 42.377,241.167 42.302 C 241.167 42.228,241.392 42.167,241.667 42.167 C 241.942 42.167,242.167 42.092,242.167 42.000 C 242.167 41.903,242.722 41.833,243.500 41.833 C 244.278 41.833,244.833 41.903,244.833 42.000 " stroke="none" fill="#241c24" fill-rule="evenodd"></path>
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The endpoint for linking to content is: https://cdn.hsyndicate.org/e/_id


By default the List API returns the first 10 documents. Use the from argument to retrieve more documents.
The from argument defines the offset from the first document, the argument is optional and defaults to 0.


By default the List API returns 10 documents. Use the size argument to set the number of documents to return.
The size argument is optional and defaults to 10. Please do not use values above 50 as this will impact performance.


Use the q argument to filter the results based on one or more arguments.
The results can be filtered on any of the fields returned by the list API. Text filtering is enabled, however we suggest to use IDs where possible.


By default the List API returns the documents sorted by published date. Use the sort argument to sort documents by either published date or score.
This argument must either be published or score, the argument is optional and defaults to published. Sorting by score works best in combination with a date range filter. Without a date range filter old and/or irrelevant documents might be returned by the API.

Filtering Samples

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Match documents where the name field contains Marriott

Match documents where the name field contains either Marriott or Hilton Hotels

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Types are database specific sub categories and can be used to retrieve documents with a specific type.
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  • market
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  • pr
  • opinion
  • editorial
  • market
  • supplier
  • whitepaper
Hotel Announcements
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  • Groundbreaking
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  • Renovation
  • Rebranding
  • Demolition
  • Closure


News and Blog documents are categorized in one or more of the following focusses.
API calls can be limited to a specific focus by adding the q argument with a focus.id filter.


147000409Markets & Performance
147000431Asset Management
147000402Finance & Accounting
147000410Fraud Prevention
147000429Partnerships, Mergers & Acquisitions
147000394Real Estate & Investment
147000414Supply Construction

147000434Food and beverage
147000411Catering & Banqueting
147000345Culinary Arts
147000333Food & Beverage

147000323Human Resources
147000405Education & Professional Development
147000412Hotelschools | Universities
147000359Labor Unions

147000326Information Technology
147000439Chatbots, Robotics & AI
147000330Guestroom Technology
147000426PCI Compliance
147000327Property Technology
147000349Travel Technology
147000437Virtual Reality

147000391Lodging Industry
147000334Boutique & Lifestyle
147000444Hostels & Economy Lodging
147000392Management Companies
147000448Vacation Rentals

147000438Market Segments
147000353Adventure Travel
147000369Business Travel
147000371Extended Stay
147000376Leisure Travel
147000417Medical Tourism
147000379Religious Travel
147000449Sports Tourism

147000325Sales & Marketing
147000404Amusement Parks
147000366Association Marketing
147000430Big Data
147000408Brand Marketing
147000419Celebrity Hotels
147000400Consumer Trends
147000445Content Marketing
147000341CRM & Loyalty
147000398Cruise Line Marketing
147000395Destination Marketing
147000397Digital Marketing
147000381Email marketing
147000441Guest Experience
147000420Hospitality History
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147000377Online Travel Agencies (OTA)
147000370Public Relations
147000374Reputation Management
147000329Revenue Management
147000378Search Marketing
147000382Social Media
147000360Spa Wellness
147000362Timeshare Vacation Ownership
147000347Weddings & Honeymoons

147000361Awards and Accolades
147000406Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
147000435Design and Architecture
147000320Environment & Sustainability
147000339Events & Conferences
147000344Hotel Openings
147000364Hotel Ratings & Classification
147000363Industry Rankings
147000328Safety & Security


Documents can be filtered by region, country and state.
API calls can be limited to a specific type by adding the q argument with a location.region, location.country or location.state filter.



150000323Asia Pacific
150000325Central & South America
150000324Middle East
150000320USA & Canada


157000332American Samoa
157000324Antigua and Barbuda
157000320Ascension Island
157000337Bosnia and Herzegovina
157000354Bouvet Island
157000424British West Indies
157000347Brunei Darussalam
157000341Burkina Faso
157000372Cap Verde
157000442Cayman Islands
157000361Central African Republic
157000373Christmas Island
157000359Cocos (Keeling) Islands
157000360Congo, Democratic Republic of the
157000362Congo, Republic of
157000365Cook Islands
157000370Costa Rica
157000364Cote d'Ivoire
157000375Czech Republic
157000380Dominican Republic
157000537East Timor
157000524El Salvador
157000406Equatorial Guinea
157000391Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
157000393Faroe Islands
157000398French Guiana
157000491French Polynesia
157000529French Southern Territories
157000414Heard and McDonald Islands
157000413Hong Kong (SAR)
157000422Isle of Man
157000439Korea, Democratic People's Republic
157000440Korea, Republic of
157000459Marshall Islands
157000457Moldova, Republic of
157000482Netherlands, The
157000328Netherlands Antilles
157000477New Caledonia
157000487New Zealand
157000479Norfolk Island
157000465Northern Mariana Islands
157000499Palestinian Territories
157000492Papua New Guinea
157000497Pitcairn Island
157000498Puerto Rico
157000504Reunion Island
157000506Russian Federation
157000572Saint Barthelemy
157000438Saint Kitts and Nevis
157000446Saint Lucia
157000551Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
157000519San Marino
157000523Sao Tome and Principe
157000508Saudi Arabia
157000518Sierra Leone
157000517Slovak Republic
157000509Solomon Islands
157000563South Africa
157000408South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands
157000448Sri Lanka
157000514St. Helena
157000496St. Pierre and Miquelon
157000516Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
157000539Trinidad and Tobago
157000527Turks and Caicos Islands
157000322United Arab Emirates
157000545United Kingdom
157000547United States
157000546US Minor Outlying Islands
157000553Virgin Islands (British)
157000554Virgin Islands (USA)
157000557Wallis and Futuna Islands
157000385Western Sahara
157000558Western Samoa


158000328District of Columbia
158000350New Hampshire
158000352New Jersey
158000353New Mexico
158000354New York
158000355North Carolina
158000356North Dakota
158000361Rhode Island
158000362South Carolina
158000363South Dakota
158000370West Virginia